Parejo [pah-reh-ho] is the word used by vinateros to describe when a sotol is perfect. It´s when the perla opens from the center of the cuerno.

Acerca de nosotros

Sotol Parejo

Contamos con Sotol y Lechuguilla.
Los lotes son 100% hechos a base de Sotol y 100% Sotol y agave en el caso de las lechuguillas.
Son lotes pequeños de entre 70 a 200 litros.
Las expresiones cambian constantemente ya que cada lote es único, actualemnte tenemos seis expresiones ya en el mercado. 



Familia Arrieta Sotol Leiophyllum

The Desert Teachers

The Arrieta Family has been making sotol for 5 generations and counting. They had the fortune to learn the distillation process from their grandfather. Sharing their love for sotol with future generations has been their life, they are constantly learning and seeking ways to refine the art of making sotol. Their enthusiasm is intoxicating and admirable.



Bienvenido Fernández Sotol Cedrosanum

The Maestro of the Sierra.

The sotol plants for this expression are from Mapimí, Durango, a hot and arid desert region of around 4,250′. It is distilled in Madera, a city located in the northwest of Chihuahua, at an altitude of 6,900 feet above sea level, this area is known for its coniferous forest vegetation. Its high altitude provides a cool subtropical climate, with humid summers and cold and dry winters.


Bienvenido Fernández Sotol Wheeleri

The Maestro of the Sierra.

Distilled in Madera, a city located in the northwest of Chihuahua, at an altitude of 6,900 feet above sea level, this area is known for its coniferous forest vegetation. Its high altitude provides a cool subtropical climate, with humid summers and cold and dry winters.


Juan Fernández Sotol Wheeleri

Juan Fernández Brother of Bienvenido Fernández, he shares the vinata with his brother. He is a daredevil who is also serious, likes to observe, and only starts to open up to people once he gains confidence. He enjoys going to the forest to harvest plants and being in contact with nature. He doesn’t lose his youth and is always looking to experiment with plants and ensambles. His style, although similar to Bienve’s, has its own touch.


Juan Fernández Lechuguilla Cenizo

The Master of the Agave

Juan Fernández Brother of Bienvenido Fernández, he shares the vinata with his brother. He is a daredevil who is also serious, likes to observe, and only starts to open up to people once he gains confidence. He enjoys going to the forest to harvest plants and being in contact with nature. He doesn’t lose his youth and is always looking to experiment with plants and ensambles. His style, although similar to Bienve’s, has its own touch.


Juan Fernández Lechuguilla Ensamble

The Master of the Agave

Juan Fernández Brother of Bienvenido Fernández, he shares the vinata with his brother. He is a daredevil who is also serious, likes to observe, and only starts to open up to people once he gains confidence. He enjoys going to the forest to harvest plants and being in contact with nature. He doesn’t lose his youth and is always looking to experiment with plants and ensambles. His style, although similar to Bienve’s, has its own touch.


S o t o l P a r e j o

O u r S t o r y

Parejo was Co-Founded by Jorge Caldera, who has dedicated 13 years to studying the native spirits of Chihuahua, during which time he got to know producers and forged friendships. For many years, the government considered vinatas illegal. Because of this, Jorge discovered a shared struggle among the masters. Unfortunately, this craft was considered taboo.

First, he encountered desert masters in seemingly remote villages in the middle of nowhere but connected through the joyful simplicity of their lives. Later, he ventured into the forests and spent time with masters who had a long and rich history in sotol production. He absorbed their stories, and they became a kind of extended family to him. He then met masters from the tropical areas of Chihuahua who continued to make lechuguilla using traditional methods. All these experiences contributed to his understanding, appreciation, and love for the spirits of his homeland.

Parejo curates the best vinateros and the best batches, personally selected by us, with a mission to revive the historical flavor of sotol, which has become endangered. Parejo achieves this by working directly with producers at every stage of production.


“Maestro” in Mexico originates from one who teaches. Our maestros have taught this tradition and continue to learn from it.


The vinateros listen to the environment, switching production from Sotol to Lechuguilla during the rainy seasons to respect the land and the plant, as its yield decreases during these times, but the agave’s yield increases.


By working hand in hand with vinateros who learned from their ancestors and taught new generations, we aim to preserve cultures and traditions through Sotol and Lechuguilla.

S o t o l P a r e j o

El objetivo de Parejo desde el principio fue recuperar el sabor histórico del sotol, que se ha convertido en una especie en peligro de extinción. Las conversaciones con vinateros revelaron un término recurrente: “PAREJO”. Quedó claro que esta palabra se usaba para describir el gran sotol y Jorge quería compartir esa perfección. Trabaja directamente con los productores, sumergiéndose en todos los aspectos de la producción de sotol y lechuguilla, desde la planta hasta las perlas.