O u r S p i r i t s

about us


Parejo was Co-Funded by Jorge Caldera, who has devoted 13 years to studying the native spirits of Chihuahua, throughout that time meeting producers and building friendships. For many years, viñatas were considered illegal by the government. Because of this, Jorge found that a shared struggle existed among the maestros. Unfortunately, their craft was considered taboo. 

He first found himself with maestros from the desert, in hidden towns seemingly in the middle of nowhere but connected through the joyous simplicity of their lives. Later, he went to the forests and spent time with maestros who held a long and rich history in sotol production. He absorbed their stories and they became a sort of extended family for him. He then encountered maestros from the tropical areas of Chihuahua who continued to craft lechuguilla using traditional methods. All of these experiences added to his understanding, appreciation, and love for the spirits of his homeland.


The goal of Parejo from the outset was to recapture the historical taste of sotol, which has become like an endangered species. Conversations with vinateros revealed a recurring term: “PAREJO.” It became clear that this word was used to describe great sotol, and Jorge wanted to share that perfection. He works directly with the producers, immersing himself in every aspect of sotol and lechuguilla production – from the plant to the perlas.

F a m i l i a A r r i e t a S o t o l L e i o p h y l l u m

The Arrieta Family has been making sotol for 5 generations and counting. They had the fortune to learn the distillation process from their grandfather. Sharing their love for sotol with future generations has been their life, they are constantly learning and seeking ways to refine the art of making sotol. Their enthusiasm is intoxicating and admirable.

Working out of the desert of Chihuahua, they have grown to have thick skin. Really hard workers making sure to have a smile at the end of the day proud of their traditions.

Chuy is in charge of distillation, a calm and quiet gentleman that loves to share. He puts all his love, passion and sense to produce a sotol that is Parejo.

Mario goes to the desert to harvest the plants. He’s the wild one, always getting himself into the most insane adventures while working hard. Alongside other members of their family, they keep the sotol alive, always making sure the next generation learns to respect the craft.

B a t c h e s :

June 2022, 47.5% ABV, rested 15 months in glass

July 2022, 49.04% ABV, rested 17 months in glass, 19 cases

B i e n v e n i d o F e r n á n d e z S o t o l C e d r o s a n u m

The Maestro of the Sierra.

Bienve has been distilling sotol since he could carry the bar to knock down the dasylirion stem.

A 4th generation maestro, and legendary storyteller, Bienve has always smiled in the face of adversity. Evading the eye of authorities, he embraced a nomadic life to traverse mountain ranges with the aid of his favorite donkey to carry his copper still. As he traveled, he crafted batches of sotol, lechuguilla, and ensambles from the plants he encountered along the trail.

The sotol plants for this expression are from Mapimí, Durango, a hot and arid desert region of around 4,250′. It is distilled in Madera, a city located in the northwest of Chihuahua, at an altitude of 6,900 feet above sea level, this area is known for its coniferous forest vegetation. Its high altitude provides a cool subtropical climate, with humid summers and cold and dry winters.

B a t c h e s :

Oct. 2022, 51.12% ABV, rested 11 months in glass

Dec. 2022, 48.37% ABV, rested 9 months in glass

Dec. 2022, 49.23% ABV, rested 17 months in glass, 25 cases

B i e n v e n i d o F e r n á n d e z S o t o l W h e e l e r i

The Maestro of the Sierra.

Bienve has been distilling sotol since he could carry the bar to knock down the dasylirion stem.

A 4th generation maestro, and legendary storyteller, Bienve has always smiled in the face of adversity. Evading the eye of authorities, he embraced a nomadic life to traverse mountain ranges with the aid of his favorite donkey to carry his copper still. As he traveled, he crafted batches of sotol, lechuguilla, and ensambles from the plants he encountered along the trail.

Distilled in Madera, a city located in the northwest of Chihuahua, at an altitude of 6,900 feet above sea level, this area is known for its coniferous forest vegetation. Its high altitude provides a cool subtropical climate, with humid summers and cold and dry winters.

B a t c h e s :

June 2022, 49.4% ABV, rested 15 months in glass

Jan. 2023, 49.13% ABV, rested 8 months in glass

Feb. 2023, 49.78% ABV, rested 7 months in glass

Feb. 2023, 47.45% ABV, rested 7 months in glass

July. 2023, 48.35% ABV, rested 9 months in glass, 21 cases

J u a n F e r n á n d e z S o t o l W h e e l e r i

Juan Fernández Brother of Bienvenido Fernández, he shares the vinata with his brother. He is a daredevil who is also serious, likes to observe, and only starts to open up to people once he gains confidence. He enjoys going to the forest to harvest plants and being in contact with nature. He doesn’t lose his youth and is always looking to experiment with plants and ensambles. His style, although similar to Bienve’s, has its own touch.

B a t c h e s :

June 2023, 47.39% ABV, rested 3 months in glass

J u a n F e r n á n d e z L e c h u g u i l l a C e n i z o

The Master of the Agave

Juan Fernández Brother of Bienvenido Fernández, he shares the vinata with his brother. He is a daredevil who is also serious, likes to observe, and only starts to open up to people once he gains confidence. He enjoys going to the forest to harvest plants and being in contact with nature. He doesn’t lose his youth and is always looking to experiment with plants and ensambles. His style, although similar to Bienve’s, has its own touch.

B a t c h e s :

June 2023, 46.02% ABV, rested 3 months in glass

July 2023, 47.87% ABV, rested 9 months in glass, 40 cases

J u a n F e r n á n d e z L e c h u g u i l l a E n s a m b l e

The Master of the Agave

Juan Fernández Brother of Bienvenido Fernández, he shares the vinata with his brother. He is a daredevil who is also serious, likes to observe, and only starts to open up to people once he gains confidence. He enjoys going to the forest to harvest plants and being in contact with nature. He doesn’t lose his youth and is always looking to experiment with plants and ensambles. His style, although similar to Bienve’s, has its own touch.

B a t c h e s :

June 2023, 46.39% ABV, rested 3 months in glass, 60/40 sotol/agave

September 2023, 46.80% ABV, rested 7 months in glass, 50/50 sotol/agave, 40 cases